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Church of the Epiphany -Gates, NY
Our Mission is to gather to nurture Christ within, in order to serve Christ in all.
Our vision is to be a compassionate multi-generational community whose members:
To be a compassionate multi-generational community whose members:
Worship God with joy and energy in a variety of styles
Grow in knowledge and love of Christ by participating in many small groups, forums, classes, and retreats
Are responsive to the needs of our local, national, and global neighbors
Foster relationships for all through activities involving food, fellowship and fun
Extend our personal financial resources beyond our fellowship
Are so transformed by the Spirit that others are attracted and invited into our walk of faith
We celebrate the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
We are an open and affirming LGBTQi congregation
We strive to always be a place of safety, healing, inclusion, transformation, justice and compassion.
We work to implement our Mission and Vision through our worship, through our service to others, and by offering a wide variety of ministries that all are welcome to be a part of.