NEWS from the Standing Committee

May 3, 2023

An update from the Standing Committee

Greetings friends and colleagues:

It is my joy to convey that we are diligently moving forward with our Diocesan Bishop Search. Over the coming weeks, you will receive an application to be considered for the Transition Committee. Once the slate of bishop candidates is completed, this newly formed Transition Committee will need to organize and plan walkabouts, where candidates present their vision for the Diocese and attendees can ask questions. The Transition Committee will also assist in planning the consecration service, and the services and celebrations surrounding the seating of the new bishop. Please consider applying and spreading the word to other qualified individuals. We hope to have the Transition Committee in full swing by the end of June when we are planning a day retreat.

In the next few weeks, we will be presenting a timeline that will outline some of the key work to be accomplished.

We count on your prayerful support, your positive and encouraging attitude, and your love for our diocese.

Faithfully yours, for the Standing Committee,

The Very Rev. Kenneth R. Pepin Standing Committee President


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