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St. George's Episcopal Church, Hilton, NY

St George’s is an inclusive community bound together by faith in Jesus Christ.  As Episcopalians we believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection show us what it means to be human.  We understand scriptures to be an expression of God’s Word and we strive to live into our faith by pledging to be a welcoming place for all of God’s people.

We celebrate God’s love through worship in the Episcopal tradition and in service to others. Our weekly Sunday Services include prayer, singing, listening to and reflecting on readings from the bible and the sharing of Holy Eucharist. All of our Services are broadcast via YouTube live.  Various other prayer and worship services are celebrated throughout the year in accordance with the liturgical calendar and occasions in the lives of God’s people here at St. George’s. These include a September blessing of school backpacks, a blessing of animals on the feast of St Francis, a special memorial for deceased loved ones on All Saints Day, lively Christmas and Easter services, a “Blue” Christmas service for the bereaved, and Rogation days at which we bless our gardens.

Our service ministries include: providing food for the Hilton Emergency Food Shelf, a Prayer Shawl Ministry for those in need of prayer, a Community Garden growing vegetables for the Food Shelf, the Silver Spoons senior lunch program, a Loss, Grief, and Healing Support Group for all who have lost a loved one, Children’s Sunday School, Jr-Sr Youth Group, and more. For our major fundraiser each year, we have come to be known for our own very popular brand of apple sausage which we sell at the Hilton Apple Festival.

We believe that God loves you, no exceptions, so wherever you are in your life, YOU are welcome here.